Why is Incident Reporting Software Important?

An Incident Reporting process is about capturing the details of an incident such as a safety incident, security, property damage, near miss or safety observation and submitting them to a nominated contact for follow up commonly done using Incident Reporting Software. This process can lead to identifying the risks, failures and hazards that led to the incident and result in applying improvements to avoid future incident reports. An Incident Report can be in relation to any type of incident occurance and involves completing an incident report form. The follow on process typically involves a corrective action, incident investigation, hazard report and review as part of an overall safety management system. An Incident Reporting system is an important part of every organisation for awareness, recording and action relating to near miss incidents, injuries, safety observations, corrective actions and follow up procedures to ensure people work and remain safe in the workplace. (AI meets Incident Reporting 2019). This is an important part of an Injury Management System.
"Online incident reporting software helps ensure all incidents are captured and managed in the workplace. Ensure incidents are followed up with actions, investigations and identifying the cause"

the future of incident reporting software

Setup your first  Incident Report form, use our  templates, create registries, custom reporting and setup a mobile   Incident Report app. Comprehensive Incident Reporting System.

Comprehensive Incident Reporting System

Injury ManagementClose Call ReportingSafety Mangement managing safety documentation such as Safe Work Procedures through to Claims ManagementHazard Reporting and online Work Health and Safety Program.

AI Generative Tools for Incident Management

Insights, incident analysis, suggestions, automate follow ups, actions and reminders.
Discover our Incident Platform


Download our latest Incident Reporting App Update. Free to submit live Incident Reports, setup notifications, submit near miss reports and more.

Ranked #1 on the App store for Incident Report & used by thousands!

Incident Reporting App

Hazard Reporting App

Example Incident Report Form

Try scanning the QR below:

Personalised Incident Reporting Software

Your forms, your notification rules, your registries, nothing beats having an entirely personalised incident repoting system unique to your workflows and requirements.

injury management system

Injury Management Program to setup forms, registries, notifications, compliance workflows, escalation rules and more across the entire injury management workflow. A comprehensive Injury Management System to manage all aspects of the injury workflow.

ready to go incident report forms

Using our form builder you can create your own incident forms, setup custom registries or use our incident report form templates for forms like injuries, hazards, corrective actions, risk assessments and safe work procedures.

intelligent reporting dashboards

Deep incident analytics on incident types, classifications, risks, root causes, outstanding, corrective actions, overdue incidents, closed, open, you define and designed to help you make the decisions that reduce injuries and prevent incidents.

incident management software

A full incident management software system that allows you to completely customise to your unique business requirements and workflows. Your own custom registries, forms and notifications.

hazard awareness training and tools

Create Hazard Awareness Training in conjunction with Hazard Reporting tools as part of your wider WHS Software

return to work plan

Setup a Return to Work Plan o help injured workers to stay at work or safely return to their duties before the injury.

incident reporting software

Setup your own dedicated Incident Reporting Software so that your staff can report incidents online and from mobile or tablet devices.
Setup a dedicated Incident Report system and create your own personalised Incident or Hazard Reporting mobile app or use our massive library of Incident Report Form Templates, our Workers Comp Software, Injury Management System, Safety Management Platform, WHS management system and HSE Management Software.

Best practice Incident Reporting software ensures all incidents that happen across your workplace and workforce are captured, managed, investigated, actions assigned, hazards identified and risk controls are implemented. Setting up an Incident Reporting System ensures all workers can report what they observe or are involved with while working in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Safe Work Procedures?

What is Incident Management?

What is Incident Reporting?

What is Injury Management?

What is an Issue Resolution?

incident reporting app

Pioneers of Innovation, launching the Incident Reporting app on the app store in 2012!
Ranked #1 on the App store for Incident Report
See our most popular features: Online Injury Management, System and Hazard Reporting App

COVID-19 Incident Management system

Self Insurance Management System

New Updates

Top 25 safety management software features and tips

Self Insurance for Injury Claims Management

Guide to an incident management system - full overview of options and more.

- new updates around hazard identification and investigating a hazard report form

- New return to work plan updates especially around notifications, alerts and the injury management journey.

- New updates to our environmental incident report modules and registries. Ensure your incident reporting software integrates environmental incidents and enables your staff to report environmental breaches they witness, observe or are caused by staff.

- New updated to our online injury management module with new AI powered analytics and smart answers as well as new incident reporting integrations.

- For the first time ever, one size doesn't fit all incident reporting software

- Advanced Incident Reporting workflows or keep it simple! Export to excel, setup rules and workflows

- Incident Report form library or create your own

- Upload logo, customise dashboard, registries, notifications and incident forms

- A world first: options to create your own dedicated and branded Incident Report app!
New App update! Check out the latest updates to our popular Incident Reporting App

New Integration: streamline your entire workflow from Incident Report forms to Workers Comp Claims management with our special module for workers comp claims.

Artificial Intelligence Powered Helper: We've launched our new AI powered assistant that allows you to ask natural language questions about incidents and get instant answers and metrics - a world first and exclusive!

We've been busy with new features, our latest updates allow you more control over creating smart forms, custom incident workflows and notifications rules.
We've also published new Incident Reporting Trends.

Use our ready to go Incident Reporting Forms

  • Risk/Hazard Register
  • Incident Reporting
  • Reports and Audits
  • Action Management
  • Asset Registry
  • Safety Procedures
  • Safety Manuals
  • Risk Assessments
  • Legal Register
  • Training Management
  • Safety Meetings
  • Inspections & Audits
  • OSH Documents
  • OSH Alerts
  • Job Hazard Analysis
  • Data Analysis


For Small or Large Organisations

The Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation in Australia introduced requirements around exercising due diligence (including managing
incidents more effectively), protecting the safety of our contractors, and increased penalties for breaching the legislation, including fines and
jail sentences.

Create your own Incident Report Forms
No more need to change your needs to suit your software. Introducing an industry first where you can create your own incident reporting software from
scratch specific to your needs!

Incident Reporting Brochure
Download our brochure and learn all about our Incident Reporting Software and App

Use the worlds number 1 ranking app for Incident Reporting on the app store
Completely free to use, submit live real time incidents and near misses, corrective actions, assign incidents and receive instant notifications.
Ranks 1st for Incident Reporting since 2012
Used by thousands across the planet

Try creating your Incident Reporting process online



  • Improve the management of incidents
  • Capture Hazards and Corrective Actions
  • Investigations and Sign off
  • Australian made!
  • Four different apps for real time data capture
  • Custom Risk Assessments

Create Your Own Incident Forms From Scratch
- Point and Click!

No need to compare what it can and can't do, use our easy form and report builder to create your own system!

See the Health and Safety Software Modules

Hazard Reporting App

Reporting hazards in the field

Incident Report Form Template

Best Massive library of templates

Injury Reporting Software

Manage injuries in the workplace

Injury Management System

Setup an injury management system

Free Incident Report Form Templates

20 best free incident report templates